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News You Can Use

Traffic Incident Management Trainig

Traffic Incident Management Responder Training

The National Traffic Incident Management Responder Training was created for responders, by responders. This course provides first responders a shared understanding of the requirements for safe, quick clearance of traffic incident scenes; prompt, reliable, and open communication; and motorist and responder safeguards. First responders learn how to operate more efficiently and collectively.

The TIM Responder training contact for your state can be found here.  Alternatively, download instructions for signing up for the two no-cost, web-based training options. Following are direct links for these options:

All TIM related training modules from the Emergency Responder Safety Institute can be found here:

To learn the level of training by responder community and state, download the following two documents:

Autonomous Vehicles Are Coming! Are You Ready?

Autonomous vehicle technology is coming to your jurisdiction. Vehicles with basic autonomous features like automatic collision avoidance are already on the roads you serve, and fully autonomous "self-driving" or "driverless" implementations are not far behind. Are you ready to respond to incidents where the vehicle does the driving? Most agencies are not.
In this new, free Responder Safety Learning Network program, "Autonomous Vehicles," you will learn the basics of autonomous vehicle technology, the challenges and opportunities it presents for emergency responders, the current state of technology development, and how to begin to prepare for the presence of these vehicles on the roadways you serve.
Don't be caught off-guard when you encounter your first "self-driving" or "driverless" vehicle. Know what to expect and what to watch out for. Take Autonomous Vehicles from the Responder Safety Learning Network today. The program is free and takes less than 30 minutes.

CPAT Fitness

Exciting News from MABAS Division 24 CPAT!

Are you, or someone you know, interested in fitness training in preparation for CPAT?  MABAS 24 CPAT is now offering fitness training for those interested in readying themselves for this standard test, which is a gateway into a fire service career.

MABAS 24 CPAT is offering two fitness-training sessions for $45. Interested?  Call or text 708-607-CPAT(2728) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sessions are held at the MABAS 24 headquarters building located at 17555 Ashland Avenue, Homewood

Already a firefighter?

CPAT has an offer for you. Two fitness-training sessions for all  active firefighters for just $45. Call or text 708-607-CPAT(2728) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sessions are held at the MABAS 24 headquarters building located at 17555 Ashland Avenue, Homewood



Let's Be Careful Out There

It happens all the time all over America.  It has happened again; this time a MABAS Division 24 department has been involved in an accident while on the scene of another incident. 

Illinois: Markham Fire Apparatus Struck on Interstate 57
Saturday, March 09, 2019
A civilian passenger died and the driver was critically injured early this morning after the vehicle rear-ended a Markham (Illinois near Chicago) fire apparatus on I-57.
The crash happened at 0310 hours while the Markham fire apparatus was stopped on the northbound left shoulder to work the initial crash.
The two occupants of the SUV were taken to the hospital, the passenger died later on, this morning, and the driver is in critical condition.
A Markham Firefighter was also hospitalized with NLT injuries.

Fortunately, the firefighter injuries in this incident were non-life threatening, but it could have been worse. Daily we face the possibility of wrong place, wrong time.

Across the country civilians are injured or killed in traffic accidents. What is really sad is that firefighters and police officers are sometimes secondary victims of these traffic incidents. We need to start thinking about how we can best protect ourselves at the scene.  We equip our vehicles with flashing lights and reflective stripes, we wear reflective vests and our turnout gear carries reflective markings, and yet we are still victims at roadside accidents. 

What can be done? Have you and your department recently reviewed SOP’s for traffic management at roadside events? Have you talked about how vehicles should be placed? Have you discussed at morning coffee what can be done to insure that everyone goes home safely at the end of the shift?

There are organizations available to help us. Emergency Responder Safety Institute offers free videos and training materials via their website,  You will also find links to other helpful websites. This organization also offers a You Tube channel Responder Safety.Com You Tube Site

Additionally, the International Association of Fire Chiefs has a Safety, Health and Survival Section  International Association of Firefighters offers Emergency Vehicle and Roadway Safety Scene Safety Program 




Active Shooter and Firefighters

The recent shooting in Aurora reminds us that we all face a potential active shooter situation. If you have a school, church, mall, hospital, business park or other place where groups of people gather in your community, you have the potential for a mass shooting. Are we prepared to safely do what is needed to save lives?  While we are thinking about the recent shooting, so close to home, it is a good time to dust off our active shooter response plans, talk about them with each shift and make necessary changes.

Below you will find some resources about this topic:

The IAFC’s Active Shooter Incident Response Toolkit includes a 15-minute video of a presentation by Chief James Schwartz of the Arlington, VA. Fire Department entitled “Responding Under Fire.”


Read more about this important topic:

NFPA 3000™ (PS)Standard for an Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response (ASHER) Program. This standard addresses all aspects of the process, from identifying hazards and assessing vulnerability to planning, resource management, incident management at a command level, competencies for first responders, and recovery.


Training for a firefighter mission shift: Mass casualty incidents

The role of the firefighter is changing as mass shootings, natural disasters and mass casualty events increase in frequency, requiring additional training

David Cain
Dec 20, 2017


How police, fire and EMS can coordinate active shooter response

Here's how to integrate the NFPA 3000 Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response Program standard into your agency’s training and response plans

James Dudley
May 7, 2018



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